
Cave Entrance : Exit Cave Entrance : Exit X-Shape : Alone Cave Entrance : Exit Cave Entrance : Exit BeeTV : Descending BeeTV : Descending BeeTV : Descending Round Again : Eye Cave Entrance : Exit
Nearby, the X-shape is rushing through the darkness, left to right, top to bottom, accidentally drawing the crude shape of a square in 4-D space. Static electricity generated by the spin of its passing is enough to make the hair in Jacob's ears stick straight out (he may not know this is why they itch a bit).
go back 1
The X-shape led, and my old self followed, flying through the darkness on the bee television, that miraculous shape given me by the bees, and now being taken back by them.

play movie start to finish play movie start to finish play movie start to finish
divide the grid divide the grid
divide the grid divide the grid