
Autres Personnes : Présidents Rond a Nouveau : Planète X

A slowly  tournant   vert   planète , perhaps Pluto, Planet X, or some other place. Tiny things grow wild there. Knee high, super-green, filled with small versions of everything you and I know...  arbres  smaller than bonsai, poodles only 3 inches tall, people only two inches tall, etc. But this  planète  is a full-bodied model, so you can imagine that means there is a lot more of everything there. More real estate, more falsehood, more coffee  arbres , and lots of opportunity (if you fit in, i.e. if you are smaller than two inches tall).
Eh bien j'ai découvert la planète Pluton a 4h, heure centrale, le 18 Février.

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