Rond a Nouveau : Terre Creuse Télé d'Abeilles : Spécial Abeilles : Niveau Cellulaire Regarder : Ne Rien Attendre Écrits : Télégraphe

An ostrich eagle carries the spears it uses in war, as well as those it has grabbed out of the hands of its foes, each in alternating claw hands, with what appear to be opposing thumbs. The bird is  aveugle , like the queen  abeille  once dissected in Basra. Above its  tête , in a bicycle chain of  étoiles , can be seen the five significant states or  Pentagon  of consciousness that guides the disbursement of love in this  monde  among the  étoiles . E pluribus, or out of many, is repeated forwards and  arrière .
J'aime mes frères, et je crois en cela. C'est ça, le pouvoir de l'amour.

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