
蜂 : メソポタミア蜜蜂 蜂 : 編隊

A picture taken at the base of the ミツバチの巣箱, where a 労働者 expels a 死んだ from the ミツバチの巣箱. This corpse may not be the plague-stuck, but an ordinary member of the 死んだ, or, perhaps, a male 雄蜂 discarded during the annual purge, which took place yesterday, just after fertilization of the local queen during mid-air フライト in a marked multi-hive fertilization zone high and 遠い from this 一つの ミツバチの巣箱. Multiple royal suitors vied for and won the attention of queen; each died later. Those drones still remaining in the ミツバチの巣箱 when she returns are not tolerated there; they are sent to the 前面の ドア 死んだ.

最初から最後まで映画を再生 最初から最後まで映画を再生 最初から最後まで映画を再生
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割