
鎖止め : しっぽ付き 視覚装置 : シネセオドライト 視覚装置 : シネセオドライト ジェット機 : ジェット ジェット機 : ジェット

Cinetheodolites, a type of tracking 望遠鏡 apparently developed under the supervision of Clyde Tombaugh at the White Sands Missile range. Their scientific use- to track orbital trajectories between here and the . In order to pave the way for the visit, it was first necessary to determine that there weren't fast spinning tracks of asteroids lying in belts between here and there. The 否定的な result was the third great achievement of his career. First of course being the 発見 of Pluto, which was supposed to be Planet X, but wasn't. The second being the result of continuous skysearch for the 12 years following the Pluto 発見, through which he proved to wide acceptance that there were no other planets beyond Pluto (i.e., that Planet X did not exist).

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