
建物 : 教会 建物 : 教会 建物 : 教会 他の人々 : 僧侶 他の人々 : 僧侶 他の人々 : 僧侶

The monk appears from the church. The little lizards have rung the alarm, alerting somewhat smaller but more intelligent demons who are under complete control, having entered a program of religious instruction, and only do good works these days, such as counting cars that go by (none) or jets that go by (lots) or flies that go by (won't tell you here, but the looks a bit like Pi). These demons aren't allowed to talk directly the monk (though he does look kindly on them), but they manage to get messages to him, and so, somehow or other, he knows to get up from prayer and go out to talk to ジェイコブ.
聖アントニウス派ロシア正教の僧侶のための. . .

最初から最後まで映画を再生 最初から最後まで映画を再生 最初から最後まで映画を再生
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割