
蜂 : 大群の

The 蜂(複), on those same squares, each one different... this one was President of the Mu City Glee Club, which reestablished itself in central Asia after the great Continent, of which Mu City was the capital , tilted and sank... this one was Transportation Minister of the Republic of Pennsylvania... all silly, official titles, which serve to efface the fact that they, these 蜂(複), actually have no real identity at all. And just now, one of them is saying quite loudly to the others, in wiggle 踊り, that one it is going to be this ジェイコブ here, the one they are with and watching so closely, the 踊っている human jumping and falling out there on the sand.
バラバラになった時間のかけらに乗って. . .

最初から最後まで映画を再生 最初から最後まで映画を再生 最初から最後まで映画を再生
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割