
建物 : カメラのバンカー 建物 : カメラのバンカー 視覚装置 : 太陽を見るための望遠鏡 建物 : カメラのバンカー 建物 : カメラのバンカー 建物 : カメラのバンカー 山々 : 岩でごつごつした

ジェイコブ turning his , motivates sudden images of the bunker at the time of the famous 試験 of the famous 爆弾 (how wonderful, wasn't used because they it blew up when they tested it... though there was another one left over, and where did that go?). A soft edged and form with a clearly visible ドア, and those same ridges behind. A shelter, inviting travelers into its shade... all that is needed are a trellis and vines (no vines? Use these rattlesnakes, they don't move much), some (need to run a pipe out here, than can put the 電気の and 電話 lines in the same hole, and we'll also need something heading back, connecting to the sewage trunk . Everything all planned, then Blam someone blew up that 爆弾

最初から最後まで映画を再生 最初から最後まで映画を再生 最初から最後まで映画を再生
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割