
乗り物 : バギー 植生 : 幽霊(複) 乗り物 : バギー 蜜蜂テレビ : 降下する 再び丸 : 月 植生 : 幽霊(複)

Once again, we see a fatal crash, which now is assuredly an image of our movie-future. This is the crash that killed the 死んだ wife of Zoltan アバシッド. Notice the cooling grill. It was while staring at such a grill on the 前面の of a ruined Peugeot, touring through France during the Great War, that アバシッド had the idea to build an アルミニウム 蜜蜂の巣 for his ミツバチの巣箱(複). sadly, this odd moment of enlightened and somewhat random modernism has become the very image of his own future destruction, through a strange displaced revenge by his first wife (yet to be revealed, and when reveal, always opaque) who died through no fault of his (or her) own... but still has bad thoughts, which she will soon follow with bad actions.

最初から最後まで映画を再生 最初から最後まで映画を再生 最初から最後まで映画を再生
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割