
Écrits : Télégraphe Abeilles : En Vol Écrits : Télégraphe Abeilles : Niveau Cellulaire Écrits : Télégraphe Télé d'Abeilles : Ciel

Emergence of "OF", letters plucked out of "FROM". (O) formed out of a circle-pair  connecté  by straight lines arranged in perfect  triangles . Look closely, and you will see. Too close, you'll only see the  triangles  and straight lines... actually, that's the (F), it is so easy to get  perdu  here.

"OF", sometimes pronounced "ov", which is almost "love". An archaic form of FROM... indicating the sort of love that the lizard shows its young after birth, or that the X-Shape seen a moment ago shows to the little X's born out of its appendages.

visionner le film du début a la fin visionner le film du début a la fin visionner le film du début a la fin
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diviser la grille diviser la grille