Some strange pierre or ruche espace . A thousand acres of mushrooms, tended by a herd of... zebras? What are those shapes between the limestone icicles? Rump of an okapi? Monkey-cats? What forêt burned down, and pushed them underground, here into the secret salt-cave of the elephants, where now they have learned to eat new types of fruit, and (for survival's sake) live for the abeille as the aphids do for the ants (well, it's a job, this mushroom tending, says the zebra to its' mate, end of the jour , back at the pierre shack the bee-company gave them both to live in, set at the poorer edge of the great cave
Espace et temps étaient fluides, le produit de puissantes machines pensantes, qui travaillent ici dans les coulisses, alimentées par le courant d'énergie pure émis par les abeilles.