
蜂 : 単体の蜂(複) 蜂 : 種類(複) 蜂 : 種類(複) 蜂 : 編隊 蜂 : 編隊

Bees are never alone. Each is many, and they delight in tricking the observer. How many times has a 一つの 失われた in your 部屋 suddenly multiplied to six or seven, even though all the windows are closed, and mouse vents along the or behind the refrigerator definitely sealed with plaster and poison? These supernatural invaders practice an entertaining magic organized into certain genres; said genres also have a certain hierarchical ranking among members of the bee-haunt trade (actually, the multiplication trick isn't much thought of in these guilds, considered as about the rough equivalent of a card or scarf trick). Here you can see a relatively less skilled set of 蜂(複) (actually a 一つの tricking your ) showing how, through simple acrobatics, it is possible to generate hexagons and other multiples.

最初から最後まで映画を再生 最初から最後まで映画を再生 最初から最後まで映画を再生
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割